Hybrid Fitness Scores
Interested in testing how well you measure up to the Hybrid Work best practices discussed in the book? You can now benefit from the same methodology that helps companies audit their progress on the Hybrid Work journey. You can score yourself, your team, and your company overall. Each score is composed of 16 simple items. It should be a breeze, no more than 5 minutes, to get your score.
Score Your Individual Hybrid Fitness
Recommended for individual Hybrid Workplace participants, regardless of rank. Can be used to monitor personal progress over time, or get an insight about colleagues, friends, even bosses!
Score Your Team Hybrid Fitness
Recommended for Hybrid Workplace Teams. Can be used by team leaders to fine-tune their team leadership fitness, or by team members to test the hybrid fitness of their immediate working environment.
Score Your Company Hybrid Fitness
Recommended for company owners, executives, and governing bodies. Anyone can score a company, but most rank-and-file employees may have to “guesstimate” some answers.
We also recommend that you come back periodically to re-score yourself and check on your hybrid transformation progress. It is perfectly natural to see your score fluctuate a little as your job and the environment change around you. It’s all part of the journey!

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